März 11, 2024


Have you ever tried to auction off something you hold dear to your heart? Well, in 2021, I decided to auction off many of the agates I had available. It was a nerve-wracking experience, to say the least. I wasn't too excited about the results, as I felt that most of them were undersold. However, looking back, it was a great experience that allowed me to meet some truly beautiful people who helped make the auction a possibility.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the auction was the opportunity to connect with individuals who shared a passion for agates. From fellow collectors to enthusiasts looking to start their own collection, I was able to engage with a diverse group of people who appreciated the beauty of these natural wonders.

While the auction may not have gone exactly as planned, I learned valuable lessons along the way. I realized the importance of setting realistic expectations and properly valuing the items I was auctioning. It was a humbling experience that taught me the intricacies of the auction process and the importance of properly marketing and presenting my agates.

Despite the challenges faced during the auction, I am grateful for the experience and the connections made. Moving forward, I plan to apply the lessons learned to future endeavors and continue to share my passion for agates with others. While the results may not have been what I had hoped for, the journey was filled with valuable insights and connections that I will always cherish.

(p.s., always offer the listed items with reserve)


Under the Hammer
Laguna Agate from the Collection of
Albert O. Ray

Described as an “agate fantasyland," no other world locality has produced as many colorful agate specimens as Laguna, Mexico. We are pleased to be offering Laguna Agate from the private collection of Albert O. Ray, a resident of the State of Chihuahua and a life-long aficionado of agate. The proceeds will be used to develop a mining and cutting operation for a new deposit of celestial blue opal with play-of-colour, and also establish a center for mining education to enrich his community.

Ahead of our online auction ending 4 November, The Albert O. Ray Collection of Laguna Agates and the Bayless Collection of Petrified Wood and Other Minerals, we take a look at some of this exquisite agate coming under the hammer.

Lot 5
Exceptionally Fine, Large and Impressive Laguna Agate "Split"

Lot 5. Exceptionally Fine, Large and Impressive Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Lot 5. Exceptionally Fine, Large and Impressive Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Lot 5. Exceptionally Fine, Large and Impressive Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000

The present lot is a large example of an agate “split” from Estacion Ojo Laguna, Ahumada Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico. Laguna agate is the most highly praised banded agate in the world, most known for its tight banding and bright colors as shown in this lot. Displaying a strong saturated colours of royal blue, lavender and light beige, this agate “split” is an exceptional example of Laguna Agate.

Lot 21
Laguna Agate "Split" with Drusy Strawberry Quartz Interior
Lot 21. Laguna Agate "Split" with Drusy Strawberry Quartz Interior. Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500Lot 21. Laguna Agate "Split" with Drusy Strawberry Quartz Interior. Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 21. Laguna Agate "Split" with Drusy Strawberry Quartz Interior. Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500

This agate “split” geode shows concentric banding of lavender, pastel blue and violet hues as well as beautiful pink drusy central cavities lined with strawberry quartz. Geodes and agates usually begin as void spaces in sediment before evaporite minerals fill the void and expand to form a nodule. In this lot, quartz crystals grew inward from the initial rind and partially filled the space to form a quartz geode.

Lot 27
Beautiful Laguna Shadow Agate "Split"
Lot 27. Beautiful Laguna Shadow Agate "Split." Estimate: $600 - $800Lot 27. Beautiful Laguna Shadow Agate "Split." Estimate: $600 - $800
Lot 27. Beautiful Laguna Shadow Agate "Split." Estimate: $600 - $800

This lot is one of the best example of shadow agates from this collection. With a beautiful concentric banding of pastel lavender, blue, violet, yellow and beige, the present agate “split” shows a strong optical effect of movement across the concentric banding called "shadow effect." Depth is perceived from light penetrating and bouncing between alternating clear and opaque layers of banding. When you play with these agates back and forth under a strong light source, shadows can be seen racing across the surface and the dark areas appear to move.

Lot 1
Colorful Laguna Agate "Split"

Lot 1. Colorful Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000Lot 1. Colorful Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Lot 1. Colorful Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000

Here we have a very fine example of a traditional Laguna agate “split." There is colorful tight concentric banding of earth tones such as magenta, orange, pink, tan and red (known as “the money color” for gems and minerals) at the core. A translucent outer banding of violet and lavender along with a natural boulder surfaces to the exterior.

Lot 50
Laguna Agate "Split"

Lot 50. Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 50. Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Lot 50. Laguna Agate "Split." Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500

Another important characteristic that agates have is translucency, meaning they allow light to pass through them, especially along the edges. This present lot is an agate "split" with translucent violet and lavender banding, surrounding a lavender and pink quartz core.